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Gerry Lishin's Yoga Notebooks for Students and Teachers

There is a new Facebook page for the Yoga Notebooks -
click here for link

Please follow the links below to purchase the e-book
version or leave a review if you have enjoyed the
Students or Teachers Notebooks over the years
- Thanks Gerry

Amazon link for use on Kindle

AMAZON KINDLE LINK to Yoga Students Notebook

Now available on BARNES and NOBLE as an Ebook
for your NOOK application follow the link below.


Now available on iTunes for use on all iDevices
follow the link below.

iTunes Link

**New Product** I have re-configured the useful notes
from the Yoga Teachers Notebook into 11 different
class flash cards. These laminated cards will allow
you as a teacher to keep your classes fresh and
your students verbally stimulated.

See down below at the end of this page. -Thanks

Useful notebooks for both Yoga Students and Teachers.
Perfect for Yoga Convention, Weekend Workshop or
Teacher Training attendees.
With over 50+ Student Guideline entries,
100+ Teacher Tool entries and
300+ Useful Quote entries.
Each current Notebook also contains 2010 thru 2012
 supplemental information and quotes.
Applicable and useful information for all Yoga styles.
Yoga Studio Owners or Yoga conference vendors -
contact me for consignment sales.
Bookstores - copyrighted with ISBN numbers for easy tracking.

See Below for some Quotes and Cues examples.

*The current Teachers version has 72 pages.

*The current Student version has 63 pages.

About the Notebooks


Being an aerospace designer by trade, and traveling to yoga
conferences, work-shops and retreats for personal growth,
I have had the great privilege of attending the classes of
some wonderful and passionate yoga teachers. This
notebook evolved from the many notebooks that I filled with
my own insights during my travels, taking notes along the
way. Since this work is comprised of common quotes,
classroom teachings and original thought, it is practically
impossible to accurately designate authorship quote by
quote. I have included all historically documented sources.
All of the rhymes and word plays are my original Yoga

Designed to be practical and useful for years, the covers are
laminated to resist moisture and the useful quote pages are
printed on ivory colored paper for quick reference. The entire
notebook is 8.5 inches long by 3.66 inches wide, designed
to fit within your yoga matbag. The notebook has 2 binding
rings that will release to facilitate the addition of more pages
or your own additional information.

NOTE - If you do teacher trainings, this book is great
take-away item for your new teacher trainees. Also, I am
willing to work with you if you would like to create your own
version of this notebook.

COPYRIGHTED AND ISBN - This compilation of quotes and
original thought has been copyrighted and has an assigned
ISBN tracking number for ease of warehousing and accounting.

Using the Notebook

Choose only a couple of selections from each section before
teaching, then inject them into your class in a timely manner.
Quotes have been repeated if applicable to various sections
and the information itself has been approached from a variety
of perspectives to facilitate absorption. The extra and
backside pages are provided for your own memorable yoga
thoughts.My rule of thumb is: Write down anything that you
hear or think of that rings true or provides a revelation.

Purchasing Information

Yoga Teachers and Students Notebooks are designed to fit
within your yoga matbag 8.5 long x 3.66 wide, Laminated
front and back covers, assembled with two releasable
binding rings. Printed on high quality 67 lb sturdy paper
with lots of backside room for your personal notes. 

Teachers Notebook (72 pages) Price - $12.50 + $3.00 for
Quantity 1-2 OR + $5.00 for Quantity 3-4 - for shipping and
handling - anywhere in the Continental U.S.

If you are going to order more than 4 copies -
please contact me for a shipping price.

Offshore and Overseas orders - please contact me
directly first.

Students Notebook Price (63 pages) -  $10.50 + $3.00 for
Quantity 1-2 OR + $5.00 for Quantity 3-4 - for shipping and
handling -anywhere in the Continental U.S.

If you are going to order more than 4 copies -
please contact me for a shipping price.

Offshore and Overseas orders - please contact me directly first.

To purchase a Hardprint Yoga Notebook

Go to the online store on this website or

Send a check or money order to:
P.O.Box 691512
Orlando FL 32869-1512

Discounts for larger quantity purchases - contact me directly.

These are just a sampling of some of the Cues and Quotes that
are in my Yoga Notebooks - Enjoy - Go to this websites online
store if you would like to purchase one.

Before Class and Mental Prep

Perceive your practice as an offering to the moment or body prayer.

Empower your yoga as a study in movement potential.

Realize that the first step along the path of growth is acceptance of
where you are.

Refocus your awareness from the external to the internal prior to

Breath and Bandhas

Interweave the unbroken continuity of breath with conscious movement
and relaxation.

Realize that yoga without breath control is stretching.

Allow the breath to emulate the ebb and flow of waves gently caressing
the seashore.

Perceive the Bandhas as the core from which all movements and
perceptions emanate.

Points to Ponder During Class

Yoga isn't about self-improvement, it's about self-awareness. -Patanjali

Seek the balance between effort and comfort.

Allow yielding and non-resistance to create fluidity.

Do not force your practice, let it unfold.

Diving to Deeper Levels

Release your clenched fist of self-definition to reveal the emptiness within.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matter to what lies
within us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Perceive the body as the manifestation of consciousness.

When the mind focuses on the past or future; the present is obscured.

Facing Challenges

Satisfaction lies in the effort not the attainment, full effort is full victory.
-Mahatma Gandhi

Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can. -John Wooden

The last difficulty in any posture is to make it look effortless.

Savasana and Closing Thoughts

Cultivate within yourself the serenity to accept the things that you
cannot change, the courage to change things that you can and the
wisdom to know the difference. - Reinhold Niebuhr

Bring peace to the mind’s turbulent waters by finding the stillness

Success is not to be measured by wealth, power or fame, but instead, by
the ratio of what a person could be and what they actually are. - H.G.Wells

The only Journey is the Journey within. - Rainer Maria Rilke

Favorite Metaphors and Jokes

Michelangelo Story - When asked how he created such wonderful
statues he replied - "The statues are already within the stone, all I
have to do is remove the excess." Your own statue lies within you.

Joan Rivers quote on forward bends.
"If God had meant for me to fold at the waist, he would have scattered
diamonds on the ground."

New Product - Yoga Teachers Notebook

Useful Class Notes - Flash Cards

11 unique class cards with applicable quotes
distributed into 6 categories.

Before Class + Mental Prep, Breath Awareness, Points to
Ponder, Diving to Deeper Levels, Facing Challenges,
Savasana and Closing Thoughts.

A 12th extra card has my favorite Teaching Information.

Fully Laminated with large 12 point easily legible text
on 67-lb heavyweight paper.

Available in all Ivory as shown below, all blue, all yellow,
all green or a 4-color rainbow version.

Please specify the desired color scheme while ordering.

Price - $9.95 + $3.00 for Quantity 1-2 OR + $5.00 for
Quantity 3-4 - for shipping and handling -
anywhere in the Continental U.S.

If combined with a singular notebook purchase - no shipping cost.

Please see the online store to order.

12 Flash Cards

An example